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My tips for going to the ark encounter and creation museum.

Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

April 08, 20243 min read

Tips for The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

Have you ever heard of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum? They are wonderful places in Williamstown, Kentucky created to teach people about God and strengthen faith.

As a lifetime member and frequent visitor of The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum...I'm going to give some tips for visiting...

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And please read to the end! I'll share with you my free download of 7 Habits of Successful Students that includes some practical tips and ways to incorporate natural tools!

Learn about Creation Museum tickets, things to do at the Creation Museum and other helpful tips.

Creation Museum and Ark Encounter Tips

People ask me all the time for tips when visiting The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

1. Plan a day at the Ark Encounter and a day at the Creation Museum.

2. At the Ark Encounter... Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. There is a lot of walking and ramps to go up and down in the Ark.

3. Take time to read all of the signs and watch all of the movies. The information is fascinating. Make it a point to catch the timeline of the world video at the Creation Museum.

4. Make sure to visit the petting zoos at both attractions, which are included in the ticket price.

5. When you get to the Creation Museum, immediately find the daily schedule for shows. Plan your whole day around seeing as a many shows as possible. Don't miss out on the planetarium offerings and the 4D Creation show.

Learn tips and basic info about the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum like how to get creation museum tickets in this post!

6. Look at the schedule at the Creation Museum to see who is lecturing in the downstairs lecture hall. Sometimes you can catch Ken Ham or Buddy Davis  in person.

7. While at the Creation Museum, make sure to grab some chili at Noah's Cafe. It's really good!

8. Both attractions are very family friendly and safe. You can pack strollers, wagons, snacks, drinks, anything your family needs.

9. Make sure to walk through the beautiful gardens at the Creation Museum

10. Be sure to visit the gift shops at both places. They offer excellent material and curriculum.

11. I recommend staying at Comfort Inn in Dry Ridge, or the Airbnb in Williamstown, Kentucky. The Airbnb is owned by a man who painted beautiful murals at the Ark.

Learn about things to do at the Creation Museum.

12. Take your time, soak it all in, and take lots of pictures.

13. If you homeschool, it's worth the drive from wherever you live to do one of their all-day science labs. We have utilized this resource and it has been wonderful!

Helpful Links

To help plan your visit, use these links:

What are the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Hours:

Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Tickets:

Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Daily Schedule:

Creation Museum Daily Schedule:

How to Get There:

Do what you can to get your family there. It's worth the trip and it's worth the money. We have to combat the world's lies about God and evolution. Taking your family to these gorgeous, state of the art, incredible attractions will help with this!

Thanks for reading! As a thank you let me offer you my free download of 7 Habits of Successful Students!

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A Bible based curriculum I love.A great book to help middle to upper elementary aged kids learn the bible.A great series to help learn about Heroes throughout the ages.

Photo Credits:

"10-21-16-FM2-Tri-x-1600-XTOL1-1-Ark Encounter-DX_ERROR" by rpavich is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

"Noah's Ark Encounter" by Kaleeb18 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

"Noah's Ark at night the Ark Encounter" by Kaleeb18 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

"Ark Encounter 0015" by Cimerondagert is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Cimerondagert, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Acdixon, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

My name is Jennifer Brady and I love my God, my family and my essential oils! These oils have been a game changer for myself and my family. I have been able to keep all 6 of us healthy using these oils since 2012. Please contact me for more information on how to support your health with essential oils.

Jennifer Brady

My name is Jennifer Brady and I love my God, my family and my essential oils! These oils have been a game changer for myself and my family. I have been able to keep all 6 of us healthy using these oils since 2012. Please contact me for more information on how to support your health with essential oils.

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