Hey there! My name is Jennifer and I am a dōTERRA® Presidential Diamond. I am a Certified Aromatherapist as well as Aromatouch® Technique Certified which involves an essential oil application along the spine focusing on Stress Management, Immune System Support, Healthy Inflammatory Response and restoring (ANS) Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance.

"Essential Oils changed my life!"

I was first introduced to dōTERRA and essential oils in 2012 when I was facing a health issue that most likely lead me to surgery. That started me down a journey that completely transformed my life! At the time I was overworked, over-stressed, and uneducated when it came to what I put into my body.

After being introduced to dōTERRA, my family and I began a wellness journey, replacing the toxic cleaners and household products with all natural essential oils. The change in our overall wellness was easily noticeable. We have quickly found that what you put into your body really matters!

"My goal is to make the lifestyle switch from using standard store bought items, to all natural essential oils as simple as possible for everyone."

Not only have essential oils freed up my health, they have freed up my life! I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom. Building a dōTERRA business has freed me from a 9-5 job. Now I can spend as much time as I want with my family.

I get to meet so many amazing people. I get to do what I love: teach and spread the gift of wellness. They say "if you're doing what you love you never work a day in your life" and I have found that to be absolutely true.

You too can have a similar story...

To learn more about the benefits of essential oils and how to start your own business, or to simply request a consultation (phone or in-person), click on the button below.

Looking forward to connecting with you!


Book a consultation with me so I can answer all of your questions and help steer you in the right direction for all

of your needs!


We will figure out which oils and products will best benefit you and discuss how you can incorporate them in your life.


The best way to go! Purchasing a kit gives you a great start toward improving your health and gives you a 25% discount while waving the $35 membership fee!


Download My Latest e-Book For Free!

Essential oils are fantastic tools with many benefits. Some of those include emotional benefits. In this free eBook you can explore the emotional benefits of Aromatherapy.


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Let's set up a consultation and I can answer all of your questions!

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