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Great reasons to try homeschooling

Try Homeschooling

March 25, 20241 min read

A Homeschool Invitation

Why I Love Homeschooling

It's no secret that homeschooling is a passion of mine. 

  • The freedom. 

  • The incredible gift of being able to customize a plan for your child. 

  • The ability to create your own schedule.  

  • True socialization with people of all ages. 

  • Being out and active in the community.   

I could go on and on...

Hang on and read to the end and I'll share with you my 7 Habits of Successful Students!

Why I think you should try homeschooling.

Opportunities Through Homeschooling

During most homeschool seasons there are unlimited opportunities for children. Some examples of opportunities are: 

  • co-ops

  • clubs

  • park days 

  • sports teams

  • tutoring groups

  • play groups

  • lessons

  • and so much more!

There is truly something going on every day.

Then 2020 started.....and all activities ceased. Yet, many people decided to homeschool.

Now let's be clear, e-learning is not homeschooling. It's school/homework done at home.

Don't be afraid to try homeschooling.

True Homeschooling

True homeschooling  is evaluating a child's personal learning style,  understanding their passions, having awareness of their passions, and customizing an individualized plan around that. "2020" homeschoolers sadly did not get the true and full homeschool experience. I HATE that this was the experience they had. I HATE that this may be the only pseudo homeschooling they may ever know.

I have an invitation for you...try again. Come join over 3 million pre-pandemic homeschoolers and  experience the freedoms of being on your own schedule, and learning at your own pace. We'd love to have you!

Let me know your thoughts on homeschooling!

Thanks for reading! As a thank you let me offer you my free download of 7 Habits of Successful Students!

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My name is Jennifer Brady and I love my God, my family and my essential oils! These oils have been a game changer for myself and my family. I have been able to keep all 6 of us healthy using these oils since 2012. Please contact me for more information on how to support your health with essential oils.

Jennifer Brady

My name is Jennifer Brady and I love my God, my family and my essential oils! These oils have been a game changer for myself and my family. I have been able to keep all 6 of us healthy using these oils since 2012. Please contact me for more information on how to support your health with essential oils.

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